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The term “LASER” stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers work by producing an intense beam of bright light that travels in one direction. The wavelength and power output of a particular laser determines its medical application. Laser has the unique ability to produce one specific color (wavelength) of light which can be varied in its intensity and pulse duration. The laser beam can cut, seal or vaporize skin tissue and blood vessels. Though Lasers have been used for the treatment of skin lesions since the 1960’s, wide use of lasers for medical treatments is a relatively recent development. Recently, technological advances have improved lasers, making laser surgery a preferred method of treatment for various conditions one of which is Varicose Veins. LASER ABLATION OF VARICOSE VEINS
A minimally invasive technique is applied when treating varices of the saphenous veins with biolitec lasers. The varices are located using ultrasound, and a local anesthetic is administered to the affected area.
In addition to the guiding beam, the fiber’s correct position is monitored by an ultrasound device. The laser radiation is introduced in pulse mode and guided along the vein’s lumen by slowly and continuously retracting the fiber. The transformation of the laser radiation to heat results in the thermal shrinkage and dissolution of tissue structure, which ultimately leads to the closure of the varicose veins by thrombosis and spasm.
Deep Leg Vein The veins that are deep in the thigh and leg that carry blood back to the heart. Great Saphenous Vein Sometimes called GSV or long saphenous vein) A long vein that can be seen just in front of the anklebone. This vein travels along the inside of the leg and thigh (about one-half inch beneath the skin in the thigh) until it empties into the deep vein called the common femoral vein in the groin. Perforating Vein A vein that passes directly from a superficial vein to a deep vein. Political Vein The deep vein located behind the knee. The small saphenous vein originates from the popliteal vein. Small Saphenous Vein sometimes called SSV, Lesser Saphenous Vein, or LSV) A superficial vein that starts at the outside of the foot and travels up the back of the calf where it empties into the deep vein (popliteal vein) in the crease of the knee. Spider Vein A tiny varicose vein that may be blue or red color that does not protrude above the skin surface and frequently looks like a spider. Common medical terms you may hear for spider veins are telangiectasias and telangiectatic veins. Slightly larger varicose veins that do not protrude above the skin are called reticular veins. Superficial Vein Any vein in the lower extremity above the deep fascia that covers the muscles of the thigh and leg. Varicose Vein A bulging vein that protrudes part of the skin surface and usually measures greater than one-fourth of an inch (6.4 mm) in diameter. Terms for Functions of Veins Competent Vein:-Blood flow occurs in the proper direction back to the heart. Also referred to as Having No Reflux Or Normal Flow Direction. Incompetent Vein:-Blood flows in the wrong direction. Also referred to as a vein that has reflux. Reflux:-Blood that flows backward in the veins.